Felipe Trevizan

Felipe W. Trevizan

Senior Lecturer, School of Computing, ANU
Building 145, office 3.20
Australian National University Campus
Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

I am a Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University. My research interests lie at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research and Machine Learning including automated planning and scheduling, planning under uncertainty, heuristic search, and machine learning.

Selected Publications (full list here)

  • Guiding GBFS through Learned Pairwise Rankings. Hao, M., Trevizan, F., Thiébaux, S., Ferber, P. and Hoffmann, J. In Proc. of 33rd Int. Joint Conf. on AI (IJCAI). 2024. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • Return to Tradition: Learning Reliable Heuristics with Classical Machine Learning. Chen, D., Trevizan, F. and Thiébaux, S. In Proc. of 34th Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 2024. [pdf] [bib]
  • Learning Domain-Independent Heuristics for Grounded and Lifted Planning. Chen, D., Thiébaux, S. and Trevizan, F. In Proc. of 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2024. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • Efficient Constraint Generation for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems. Schmalz, J. and Trevizan, F. In Proc. of 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2024. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • Heuristic Search for Multi-Objective Probabilistic Planning. Chen, D., Trevizan, F. and Thiébaux, S. In Proc. of 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2023. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • Domain-Independent Planning Heuristics with Hypergraph Networks. Shen, W., Trevizan, F. and Thiébaux, S. In Proc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 2020. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • ASNets: Deep Learning for Generalised Planning. Toyer, S., Thiébaux, S., Trevizan, F. and Xie, L. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 2020. [pdf] [bib] [code]
  • Occupation Measure Heuristics for Probabilistic Planning. Trevizan, F., Thiébaux, S. and Haslum, P. In Proc. of 27th Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 2017. (Best Paper Award) [pdf] [bib]
  • Heuristic Search in Dual Space for Constrained Stochastic Shortest Path Problems. Trevizan, F., Thiébaux, S., Santana, P. and Williams, B. In Proc. of 26th Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 2016. (Best Paper Award) [pdf] [bib]


  • News and Highlights
    • Optimal Ranking: Guiding GBFS using a ranking between states learned from data (IJCAI'24).
    • i2-dual-det: New planner for finding deterministic policies for C-SSPs (ECAI'24).
    • GOOSE: First domain-independent method for learning heuristics based on lifted representations (AAAI'24).
    • CG-iLAO*: New planner for SSPs based on constraint generation (AAAI'24).
    • I was one of the organizers of GenPlan23 at NeurIPS.
    • First heuristic search algorithms for Multi-Objective Stochastic Planning (AAAI'23).
    • New admissible heuristics for Multi-Objective Deterministic Planning (ICAPS'22).
    • I gave an Early Career Researcher Spotlight talk at the IJCAI-20.
    • STRIPS-HGN: First algorithm capable of learning domain-independent heuristics from scratch (ICAPS'20).
    • ASNets: Learning generalized policies using neural nets (JAIR)